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Творческий процесс

Добрый вечер. Я новый автор из Туркменистана. Буду выкладывать свои книги разного жанра. Но у меня другой стил, это я говорю сразу. Меня не привлекают киношные сценарии которые мигом забудутся улетучатся. Я профессиональный литератор, поэтому и подход будет другим. В любом случае буду рада новым читателям и знакомствам. О себе я добавлю свое резюме

I am a writer who speaks six languages and writes for three of them – Turkmen, Russian, English. I am a writer whose more than a hundred creative works were published in magazines and newspapers. I am well known as a poet and later as a writer. As for me, creativity is everything because I am a person, who believes in the power of the word, who has very different political views and own unique view on solving problems. Many people wonder how I manage to find a special solution. The answer is simple, but it is difficult to achieve it. To do this you will need read millions of books and feel that you are the chosen person. I am the person who is on the side of a peaceful solution and therefore supports the peaceful and wise police of my country. My literary interests in other cultures and my natural ability to learn other languages, such as Russian, Persian, Spain, French, allow me to understand their phenomenon. I am the secret leader who hides behind the curtain. I believe that I can change the world with my word.


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